Another birthday card

Doggy birthday card

We’ll let this one speak for itself. What a ‘howl’…

About Chris Gulker

Chris Gulker, a self-described Infuential Blogger, lived in Menlo Park, California with spouse Linda. He passed away in late October 2010.
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5 Responses to Another birthday card

  1. Godpseed and best birthday wishes, Chris.

    Your Blog is very inspring. As it happens, Enid has been battling lung cancer, and an opportunistic pneumonia almost took her in January. She is soldiering through Radiation and Chemo. I will be in Pasadena to visit her next month. Yesterday was her birthday as well.

    Best to Linda.


  2. cg says:

    I appreciate Enid’s struggle – I wound up in the ER with an opportunistic bug a few weeks ago.

    We cancer patients get used to soldiering… very best to Enid…

  3. emmanuel adu gyamfi says:

    i love u

  4. Nita says:

    Lord how I love this one with the dogs
    just brilliant thankyou so much from a happy nanna

  5. well wishers says:


    wishinng u a verry worm and glorious birth day.may God bless u and over come of your disease.then we eat chiken together.wish u a very successful life.


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